A meditation from Sananda...
Greetings! I AM Sananda.
If you are willing, we will take a journey together. We will take a journey with the Higher Vibrational Beings...
We will begin by clearing the mind. We will clear the conscious mind....
With your permission, we will clear the mind now... We will quiet the mind now...
Simply let all thoughts flow like clouds floating across the mind...
Let each thought float through without aggravation, without resistance...
Simply spend a moment to relax the mind. Feel the softness of a relaxed mind...
As we feel the softness of a relaxed mind, we begin to relax the body....
If the mind wanders from relaxation, simply bring it back to center, bring it back to my voice, hear my voice in your mind and bringing you back to your meditation...
I ask now that you take some deep breaths....
Feel the breaths as they enter the lungs, expanding the lungs...breathing in and breathing out....relaxing the body...
Feel the relaxation move slowly beginning at the top of your head moving down though your body...relaxing every part of your body...
Relax your head...
Relax your neck...
Relax your shoulders...
Relax your back...
Relax your arms...
Relax your chest...
Relax your stomach...
Relax your hips...
Relax your legs...
Relax your feet...
Now that your body and your mind are relaxed....
Imagine a beam of Light from the heavens shining into your crown down into your body, down into the ground. This is your center. When your mind wanders, come back to the center. Focus on this beam of Light. Continue to feel the relaxation in your body now. Feel any tension leave through your feet, through your hands, through your pores. Release all the tension. Again...start with your head, your face, your jaw, relax your neck, relax your shoulders, relax the arms, relax the back, relax the chest, relax the torso, relax the hips. Feel the tension leave as your mind tells the body to relax. Relax your legs, relax your feet, relax your toes. Feel the relaxation. Relax the mind. Feel the tension leave the body. Feel any stress leave.
Find your center. Find your beam of Light as it flows through your body. Focus on your center. Follow this beam of Light with your mind into the heavens. Follow it up into the trees to the sky, up through the clouds, up to the sun, up past the sun. Follow this beam of Light in your mind. Follow this beam of Light into the heavens. Follow your Light. Find your Higher Self. Find your higher presence. Find your I AM Presence. Find your God Self. Follow this beam of Light to your God Self. See your Beauty. See your Light.
You are this Beauty. You are this Light. See your brightness. You are as Bright as the Sun. Bring this Brightness into your body. Remember this Brightness. Remember this Light. Remember this Love. Feel this Love. You are this Love. You are God's Love. You are God. You are Goddess. Feel this in every fiber of your being. Feel this Light fill your body. Feel your center. Feel the Light permeate through your being, through your body. Be aware of this spectrum, this whole Light spectrum. See yourself all the way up and down this spectrum. Feel the warmth. Feel the Love. Feel your Love for yourself. Feel the unconditional Love, feel the unimaginable Love you have for yourself. This is God's Love. This is you. You are this Love. You are this Light. Always feel this Light. Always feel this Light. Always envision this Light. This is who you are. Breathe your Light into your Center. Focus on your Center when you feel out of sorts. Focus on your Light. Bring your Light into your awareness. Shine forth this Light unto others. You are this Light. Always remember this.
Now slowly bring your awareness back to your physical body, back to your Center. Slowly find your Center. We are back.
I send Many Blessings. I AM Sananda.
Thank you Dear Sananda.
Channeled through Sharon Sananda Kumara