I am very pleased to find this. I have long been looking. This is the earliest possible version of the Lord's Prayer I believe? Just how early is this? It says it was taught like this by Christ but who/when reported that? Some scribe/disciple hundreds of years later or what?
And it is reported that originally it meant 'forgive us our debts' and I see that word used here. If Sharon has any insights on this I would love to know them. abrogard@yahoo.com
I am very pleased to find this. I have long been looking. This is the earliest possible version of the Lord's Prayer I believe? Just how early is this? It says it was taught like this by Christ but who/when reported that? Some scribe/disciple hundreds of years later or what?
And it is reported that originally it meant 'forgive us our debts' and I see that word used here. If Sharon has any insights on this I would love to know them. abrogard@yahoo.com